Data-engineered eLearning Content for Business Insights

Is the eLearning at your company driven only by compliance instead of connecting to your company’s business goals?

Imagine if training helped you measure the pain points and successes in your workforce instead of only showing surface data such as content completions.

What if your eLearning helped you predict the outcome of future employee behavior …

And your training was wrapped in content that’s more engaging and promotes easier uptake for the learner?

It can.

But, hold on. What does a content creation company know about creating predictive e-Learning programs that show business insights about a client’s workforce?

Plenty. The worlds of Content and Data have merged and we have the special sauce to embolden your brand voice for a winning strategy. No more scrap learning and meaningless data.

We create customized data-gathering programs so businesses can see the variances in their workforce around certain standards, the associations and current trends in the data, and insights to predict forward.

In our multiple years-long effort with FedEx to make content that’s more relevant, personal, and instructive, we created a custom system that translates e-Learning responses into algorithmic models for an easy-to-view dashboard for decision-making.


“Gamma Blast is such an amazing partner. Its data-driven and values-based approach to business has been a great fit for FedEx.” – Matt Morley, FedEx

Want to learn more about how we use data to help our clients drive their decision-making?